Wishing you a very Happy Baba's day and Happy Thursday
Few days back we had recieved invitation by Sai Baba Temple Shibpur of religious function to be held on 21st April till 25th April.Today I have recieved mail by Shibpur Temple authority with details of function ,along with photo's and Baba's miracle. Please read the mail below sent by Temple authority.Jai Sai Ram .
Sai Ram Manisha Ji
Respected Madam,
Sub:- Submission of report for Sai Festival 2009 conducted by us with Photographs for your kind acceptance and massive wide publication in your Blog.
Firstly we beg to state that we have given a rose with our bow down of heads on the lotus feet of Lord Shirdi Sai Baba praying for good health and vigor of your parents including your other family members during the Sai Festival – 2009 at Shibpur Sai Temple on 21.04.09 to 25.04.09.
Secondly we have conducted Shirdi Sai Festival-2009 with the participation of huge devotees and well wishers of the locality during the period 21.04.09 to 25.04.09.
Puja of Shirdi Sai Baba, Arati Bhajan, Annadham Distribution of Nutritional food, Playing materials to the children.
Miracle activities in case of four mothers who gave birth their child by the blessings of Shirdi Sai Baba and they have given sweets as per weight of each of their child and after worship they have distributed amongst the participants in the temple.
Wonderful miraculous happenings to an woman of 75 years namely Smt. Kamala Bala Joardar who has been suffering from acute leprosy in the third stage of her suffering and the doctor Arijit Mukherjee Nadia District Hospital returned her after completion of dosage of MDT for 12 months and the said patient only taking of Sai Baba Prasadam daily with the mixing of dust from the Sai temple consistently for 12 months and become the result after ending of 12 months the patient Smt. Kamala Bala Joardar is now miraculously cured by the blessings of Shirdi Sai Baba not only cured but also the aforesaid patient after receipt of miraculous result she began to dancing in the Sai festival and procession this year which is a tremendous result oriented from the Sai Temple which is also needed massive wide circulation.

With best regards.
Om Sai Ram.
Sai bless you.
Amit Kumar Biswas

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