Sairam to all and happy Baba’s day to all,
I have started experiencing that whatever is decided to be published in this blog either related to Baba’s temple information or the format or the presentation, Baba is thinking far ahead of that .
Many times I keep on waiting to collect details of temple to publish in blog but do not get any result ,sometime I have write up ready but it is not seeing the light of the day and then suddenly I get a mail giving such in-depth and unique detailed information of Sai temple which I had never heard before. This makes me spell bound and I feel the presence of Baba. It is He who is working Himself through various medium.
Many Sai sevaks/s are working hard to get the information on Sai temples but it is Baba who is finally controlling each one of us and decides what shall come first and what should wait .This has also been experienced by other Sai devotees who are helping me in collecting the details.
After reading the following detail about Sai devotee Shivamma Tayee who spent 12 years with Shirdi Sai Baba and also constructed his temple. This write up left me with tears, choked throat and increased attachment with Baba.I felt Baba’s blessing are showering from all direction .
By reading the details , I am sure all the Sai bhakt will undergo the same feeling .I thank Baba from my heart to think me worthy of reading and writing this but I also thank Shri Rama Rao ji immensely, who Himself blessed and guided by Baba ,could get this information across for benefit of all of us . Jai SaiRam .
Respected Manishaji,
Some time back I was telling you about BABA's temple in Bangalore.BABA likes if we know about HIS leelas as well as about HIS devotees.
I attached a write up on a staunch devotee, who spent 12 years with BABA starting from her age of 15 and the temple in Bangalore.
This translation of collection is from a book in Tamil language about Shivamma Tayee, given to me by the temple (ashramam) authorities, who gave permission also to take photos and publish in Sathgurushirdisaibaba blog. They did not have book in English.
Here I wish to mention the guidance given to me by BABA…
I can speak Tamil fluently, but can read the text comfortably only if it is in big fonts, and with a slight difficulty, the normal letters. However, I get an aversion to continue after reading a few lines, at the most a paragraph. My long felt wish is to read Tamil books with as much ease as I read Telugu and English. I attempted, but left it half way.
Surprisingly, this time, after I decided to read (in absence of book in English) this Tamil book about Shivamma Tayee, I read 30 pages without any break with clear understanding, making translated notes in Telugu in the margins.Wantedly I gave a break, other wise I could have completed the book at a stretch. ----- This could happen only with the blessing of BABA, and I am very much thankful and grateful to HIM.
I could translate the content to the best of my ability. Any short comings may please be excused by the readers.
If you feel it could be published in the blog( I am not sure, and it is lengthy also).
Thanks and Regards
Rama Rao
Shirdi Sai Baba Ardent Bhakt -Shivamma Thayee
Samadhi in 1994.
She lived for 103 years.
Original name - Raajamma.
Name given by BABA: Shivamma Taayee
Father: Velappa Gounder
Mother: Pushpavathi ammaal
Education: upto third class.She knows only TAMIL
Year of Marriage: March 1904 in her 13th year
Husband: Subramanya Gounder
Son: Mani raaj
About herself as narrated by Raajamma/Shivamma Thayee:-
Her uncle (father's elder brother) Thangavel Gounder brought Shirdi SAI BABA to a village near Pollachi in the year 1906(In Sai Satcharithra, we were told that BABA never went any where leaving SHIRDI, except to nearby villages. This incident narrated by Raajamma shows that BABA is omnipresent). Her age was 15 .She had a one year old son Mani Raj.BABA’s estimated age at that time would have been 71 year old.
BABA stayed there for 2 days in that village.
BABA initiated her with Gayathri Mantram in her ear, and also wrote down Gayathri Manthram on a paper with pencil in Tamil and gave it to her.
She lost the paper. BABA came in her dream and told her that the slip was in the Rice storage drum.
From the time she met BABA, she was longing to go to Shirdi for BABA's darshan .
She had to get the permission from her husband for this. She asked for it and also asked him to take her to Shirdi.He was a non believer. But got belief on BABA with the happening of a miracle.
Then, he agreed to take her to Shirdi.
It was in 1908 at her 17th year.
BABA used to talk to her in Tamil only.
Shivamma taayee described about SHIRDI SAI BABA:-
I myself used to go to Shirdi 3 or 4 times a year. My husband did not like this.
When he questioned, I used to tell him'' For me, BABA is my GURU. To me no other God or devathas are important. So it is natural for me to go and have darshan of BABA”
He asked me'' why you chose BABA as your guru?”
I said '' HE is one SADGURU GOD incarnation. That is why I chose HIM as my guru. I pray HIM only, with full heart. I would like to go to Shirdi whenever my heart will long for it.”
I used to go to Shirdi 3 or 4 times, irrespective of my husbands dislike. I used to stay there for a
Few days, see the miracles of BABA, take the shower of HIS blessings. I considered my self very fortunate. In course of time, I used to spend time in the house itself, doing the parayan of HIS name. With this, slowly I experienced detachment and lost interest in the family life.
I continued to visit Shirdi and visited number of times.BABA used to treat me as HIS own daughter. HE used to shower blessings on me. Sometimes I was the only spectator for HIS wonderful acts. I was the only witness to HIS yoga saadhana,like Khanda yoga etc.”(Also mentioned in Sai Satcharitra )-
Shivamma taayee was there when BABA was narrating the poorva janma of snake & Frog.This chapter is also mentioned in Sai Satcharitra in detail .
She stepped on the cut parts like hand & leg of BABA,which were lying out side the masjid(Dwarakamayi) when HE was doing Khandayoga in the night at 1-30 PM in 1915 when she was 24 years old.
She also saw BABA when HE was doing DHOUTIYA YOGA at the well outside the masjid.
BABA used to take her to the well at the outskirts of Shirdi and show the Yogaabhyaasaas.
Then she went to mother's place and stayed there. Her son Maniraj got the post of sub inspector, but he and his wife died in an accident later.
Her father took her to Shirdi after her husband left her.BABA not only blessed her but also asked her to stay in one of the choultries of HIS devotee and asked her to spend time reciting HIS naamam.
BABA attained Mahasamadhi on October 15th 1918 at 2-30PM.
She says"Shirdi SAI BABA is the incarnation of SHIVA.HE is the incarnation of DATTATREYA. BABA changed my name to SHIVAMMA TAAYEE(mother of SHIVA), in the year 1917. BABA said “ From to day you are called Shivamma Taayee.Go to Bangalore , the capital of Karnataka , My blessings to you, You will start an ashramam in my name.ALLA MAALIK”
Construction of Ashram /Temple :
She followed the instructions of BABA.She lived many years by begging, meditating and saying Sai naamama always roaming in Bangalore.
In 1944, one great soul,Sri Narayana Reddy and his wife Sharadamma gave some land ,the land at Roopen agrahara,near Madiwala at Bangalore for her to stay. She did penance for 12 years there without food. Ants built up “Putta” around her and she was completely submerged in that. One snake also used to rest on her head during this period.
One day many devotees from Bangalore assembled and by chanting BABA's name, skilfully made the snake to leave from the jatajutam of Shaivamma taayee.
She did so and spent life with the namasmarana of BABA.
She constructed a temple for BABA and an elementary school in the name of BABA for poor children. (In 1973).It was later upgraded to High School (in 1991).
Many SAI devotees from all over and her relatives, grand children used to visit her. Her relatives, who were in a very good financial position asked her to come and stay comfortably with them. But she never desired to leave the place saying that she did not want to leave from the shelter and the feeling of being drenched with the shower of enormous love and blessings of her GURU Shri BABA In this ashramam.
In 1993 she said "My samadhi is being constructed in the SAI BABA temple itself. It is almost completed and at the time when I or my Guru decides, my body has to be kept in that and the top has to be closed. That is the only work pending.” she continued"BABA ,during HIS life time and even after HIS Samadhi, is taking care of me, showing me the way, helping me, and showing kindness. My each inhalation and exhalation is because of HIS blessing and wish. Even after HE left HIS physical body, HE is always in contact with me with HIS “sukshma sareeram”(cosmic body).He is talking in good Tamil”She continued" Frequently He is meeting me either in HIS physical body or cosmic body, talking to me, guiding me, cautioning me if required and telling me any thing HE wanted to tell me.””
She constructed two temples of BABA in the ashramam.In one of them she installed Black colour Pratima of BABA.

In the other, she installed Pratima of BABA in the standing, begging posture as asked by BABA in her dream, made out of marble by a sculptor brought for this purpose from Rajasthan.

These two temples are apart from the Pooja room of Shivamma Tayee where she installed the pratima of BABA in silver, by getting it done there itself by a gold smith.

Devotees used to approach her and ask her to help in solving their problems.Shivamma Tayee used to pray BABA and give them her visionary solutions, blessings and wishes of BABA.
This, she did not do every time, to every body, at all times. She used to do to only one devotee at a time with restriction.
She said"Before my GURU, I am like a dust particle. I am not here without HIM. This is the truth. What ever these devotees are getting from me like-wishes, blessings,boons,Philosophical mental strength,--everything is coming actually from BABA. "
She used to tell the devotees "If you completely surrender to SAMARTHA SADGURU SHIRDI SAI BABA, you will not have any problem. Deep mental peace will come to you automatically.”
She explained what ever she knew about BABA's birth,life, teachings etc.
This is the photo of silver Pratima which was installed by Shivamma Tayee.

Sai devotee in mandir Mr.Sampangi, has been there since sixtys(60’s),and used to serve Shivamma tayee and now does regular pooja to BABA in all the three temples daily. He explained many miracles of Shivamma taayee.I shall write them separately some time. The tree which you see in two photos is a reborn (re shoot up) neem tree.

It was there as a big tree when Shivamma Tayya was there. After her Samadhi, some miscreants cut the tree and set fire to the entire trunk bottom. There was nothing except ash at that place when Mr.Sampangi noticed and felt very sad. He started pouring the Theertham of BABA after the pooja daily at that spot. Slowly many branches started coming out from the soil and you can see it photo .

A visit detail about Shirdi Sai Baba temple, Roopen Agrahara, Bangalore :
Though I never had the privilege of stepping on the blessed soil of Shirdi, it is always made up for, by a visit to the other divine Sai temples on every visit to India. One such visit is to the Shirdi Sai Baba temple at Roopen Agrahara in Bangalore. This Sai temple that I visited on the Holy Thursday has a history.
I heard about it first from my Uncle who also visited it only recently after reading about it in one of the Sai
Leela books. The first thing that struck me as I entered the holy temple was the black moorthy of Baba; I had never seen such an Image of Baba before. The eyes are painted golden and appear as though they are illuminated. The pratima is installed in the second Room facing the entrance into the small building.
The Poojari understood that it was my first visit to the temple. He offered to take me Around and told briefly the story of Shivamma Thayee, a great devotee of Baba who Stayed in the place for over 70 years. Shivamma Thayee was born in 1889; she attained Samadhi in 1994 at the same place where the temple is located. She had a son after whose Marriage she took up the spiritual path. She had the privilege of receiving Upadesh directly from Baba.
Her Samadhi is in the lower level, right below the pratima of Sai Baba. The Samadhi room is very small with a narrow space and might just fit not more that 10 people. There is Chavadi building right next to the main temple. The Chavadi was actually the home that Amma lived in. There is also a small prayer room with Silver pratima of Baba.
Adjacent to the Chavadi is the Dwarakamayee. Here we can find the pratima of Baba in standing posture holding on to the tin container(dabba).

The directions to reach this place , On Hosur Road, when going from Madiawala/Koramangala, After the Silk board flyover take the Right into a small lane, the road takes a sharp left and then a sharp right, the Temple is located on the left, just before a T intersection on the same road. The Temple has no visible signage outside,
hence might be a bit difficult to find, but I hope the directions given here would be of
help. Sai Ram
They are maintaining the school in a very disciplined way and giving free education to all the poor students, studying in that school. They have also given free shelter to 7 old poor gents and 7 women in their Old age home. The premises are kept very neat and the inmates are being given very nice food free of cast. They are given free treatment also when ever required.Mr.Nagaraj is the teacher cum manager to look after all the activities of school and ashramam.Mr.Venkata Raju & his brother Mr.Sampangi perform pooja ,archana,abhishekam to BABA daily in all the 3 temples.
The address of the ashramam/Temple:
Sri Shirdi Sai Baba Matt.
Roopen agrahara, NGR layout
Off Hosur main road,
Madiwala post,
Bangalore -68
Dear Manishaji.
I find words inadequate to describe the feelings I have got after reading the post about Shivamma.The post lead you to the era when Baba was is Body and soul.
While reading the post you feel that you are also wandering with Baba in physical form. The post also indicates that if you have full faith in Baba, He goes miles with you and bestowed all his blessings on you. It is really heartening to read that there were devotees like Shivamma who were privileges and chosen by Baba himself.
Notwithstanding the above, I want to congratulate you for your untiring efforts to bring such rare leelas to us and pray to Baba that He gives you all the strength to continue the good work.
sairam Shivamma Thai is a great Devotee... i go very often to this Mandir,old age home bhi hai, udar. Ramarao ji u have done great work by sharing detailes about the temple. MAY SAIDEVA BLESS AND BE WITH HIS KIDS.......
Sai Ankita Blr..
Om shirdi Sai Nathaya Namaha......
Its very good to hear about Shivamma Thai......I don't know when I was in B'lore.I was at Madiwala. Surely I'l visit next time when I go to B'lore.
@Santosh Ji ,
Thanks for all the appreciation and kind words ,it is all Baba's grace and He is the complete Doer making me the instrument to publish these Sai Temples rare information with all the Sai devotee. I am happy that this effort is blessing many Sai devotee and taking them to the one of the most revered and blessed temple started by SHIVAMMA THAI.Thanks again and keep visiting the website.
@Sai Ankita,
Thanks for sharing the information of your regular visit to this temple and I am sure many more devotees shall get blessed reading your experience of the visit .Thanks again for the encouraging comment.And a big thanks to Rama Rao ji who took the initiative to visit the temple and get all the details to be shared with all the Sai devotees. Baba blessing be all and one.
@Kavitha Ji ,
Thanks for updating about your stay in Banglore and I am sure soon Baba will bless you for his gracious darshan in this temple. Do visit the website and share your Sai visit to this temple with all of us .
Jai Sai Ram
At the Feet of my Sathguru Sai
Sister Manishaji
Though I have been visiting this website only today I got the previlege of reading the story about SHIVAMMA THAI. It is a great feeling to read about Shivamma and about SAI's leelas.
You are doing wonderful service by posting about SAI's leelas and it gives us strength and confidence when we ready about SAI !
There is one SAI temple in a place called 'Guindy - Nearer to Railway station ', Chennai (5 kms from Chennai Airport) where I found the SAI Pratima is in Black Colour. When I go next time to the temple I will try to understand the story behind this temple and about the uniqness of Pratima in Black colour.
Jai Sai Ganesh Ji
Thanks for your kind words of appreciation ,this is all grace of Baba .Please do send details of Guindy Sai temple and the uniqueness behind the Pratima of Baba in black .Thanks again .
Jai Sai Ram
Sister Manishaji,
I got the previlege of reading the story about SHIVAMMA THAI. Whole Heartedly I am saying that With the blessings of Sri Sai u did a very good job giving the information abt Ammaji.It is a great feeling to read about Shivammaji and about SAI's leelas.
You are doing great job by posting about SAI's leelas and it gives us immense pleasure,peace,strength and confidence when we read about SAI.With the blessings of Sri SAI,I hope and sure in my life time I will visit that place and have the blessings of BABA.
Keep it up....
Sister Manishaji,
I got the previlege of reading the story about SHIVAMMA THAI. Whole Heartedly I am saying that With the blessings of Sri Sai u did a very good job giving the information abt Ammaji.It is a great feeling to read about Shivammaji and about SAI's leelas.
You are doing great job by posting about SAI's leelas and it gives us immense pleasure,peace,strength and confidence when we read about SAI.With the blessings of Sri SAI,I hope and sure in my life time I will visit that place and have the blessings of BABA.
Keep it up....
Blessed Sai temple, could go on reading forever. .Thanq for the site and the information.
Om Sai
I am spell bound on reading Shivamma Thayee's life have been blessed by Baba Himself and to have have been with Baba in Shirdi...How Baba has blessed her.....This gives us the confidence to continue keeping faith and trust with Baba. I am sure if we keep on chanting His name Baba will throw His mantle of protection on us. I sincerely hope and pray to Baba to enable me to visit this Temple. Sairam Sairam
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