This post is in continuation of Sai leela experienced by Sai devotee,Sai Bhairava temple priest -Shri Meenakshi Sundaram ji and is the last post .Sai experiences experienced by Meenakshi Sundaram ji has been posted part by part .Devotees who missed any of these leela can go at the end of the post and click on given links to read the missed out post .Jai Sai Ram .
In 2000 I undertook my annual trip to Shirdi as usual and got the blessings of Sri Sai in June. 2001 I traveled to the place where my son lived and went to the Sri Sai Baba temple there with my wife. The incident that happened there made me realize Sri Sai’s grace once again.
On August 10, 2001 Sri Baba told me in my dream through a photograph that a disastrous incident would happen in USA. Soon after the dream I contacted the American President, George Bush, through e-mail and informed him of the possibility of a disaster in USA and requested him to take preventive measures to avert the disaster.
The President thanked me and told me that as he was busy with many other duties he asked me to contact him some days later.But as my personal attention was needed for the Bhairavar Sai Baba temple I returned to India.
As the 84th Samadhi Day of Sri Sai was nearing I could not prolong my stay in USA.Unfortunately on September 11 a disastrous incident in USA victimized many hundreds of persons.
I assured him that I would build the kitchen and from the Samadhi day I would start feeding the devotees and the poor.When I raised the matter of building the kitchen to some devotees one of them told me that he would give the necessary amount for building the kitchen.
He gave me a cheque of Rs.25,000/- but when the construction of the kitchen was half-way the work stopped for want of funds.I prayed to Sri Sai baba. Sri Baba assured me that he would look after the problem.
Dear readers I shall not say that here we come to the end of Sai leela's shared by Sai devotee Meenakshi Sundaramji ,butI would like to write awaiting for more Sai leelas to be shared with us as being experienced by him now and in coming days .....
Jai Sai Ram .
1.Bhairava Shirdi Sai Baba Temple -Chennai.
2.Leelas of Sai in the life of Meenakshi Sundaramji-Founder Bhairava Sai Mandir.
3.Leelas of Sai in the life of Meenakshi Sundaramji-Founder Bhairava Sai Manidr -part 1.
4.Leelas of Sai in the life of Meenakshi Sundaramji-Founder Bhairava Sai Mandir-part 2.
5.Leelas of Sai in the life of Meenakshi Sundaramji-Founder Bhairava Sai Mandir -part -3
6.Leelas of Sai in the life of Meenakshi Sundaramji-Founder Bhairava Sai Mandir-part-4.
7.Leelas of Sai in the life of Meenakshi Sundaramji-Founder Bhairava Sai Mandir-part 5.
8.Leelas of Sai in the life of Meenakshi Sundaramji-Founder Bhairava Sai Mandir-part 6.
9.Leelas of Sai in the life of Meenakshi Sundaramji-Founder Bhairav Sai Mandir -part 7.
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