Dear all,
This post is in continuation of Sai leela experienced by Sai devotee,Sai Bhairava temple priest -Shri Meenakshi Sundaram ji .Please read the next part of the leela.These Sai experiences experienced by Meenakshi Sundaram ji shall be posted part by part .Devotees who miss any of these leela can go at the end of the post and click on given links to read the missed out post .Jai Sai Ram .
In 1998 when I came back from Shirdi my house owner asked me to vacate the house. He was kind enough to give me time to vacate the house. The house I rented was only for one year. The house owner allowed me to stay for two more years in his house. He did not give me any trouble. He was also a Sai devotee. The fact that Sri Sai protects his devotees at all times is evident from this incident.

In 1998 I was hospitalized with a serious illness. I did not know whether I would survive. Through my son’s father-in-law I got admitted in a private hospital on a Thursday, I was treated well and became normal. The doctor who treated me was a Sai devotee. We do not know through whom Sri Sai helps his devotees. This is the wonder of wonders.
The doctor advised me to take a person with me if I traveled a long distance. At the end of the year 1998 I was seeking for a person who would come with me to Shirdi. A person from Permabur rang me up and wanted to know some details about the temple being constructed. I asked him to come immediately. He came and gave a donation and got to know some details about the temple. He said his name was Sathyanarayanan and he worked as an accountant in a small company.
When I told him about my Shirdi visit he said he would come with me and asked me to make arrangements for his travel. I thought that Sri Sai himself had sent him as my health was not good. He took leave of absence from his office, came with me to Shirdi and had darshan of Sri Sai. He came back with me to Chennai. He looked after me well.

As the year 1998 passed my health improved. In June 1999 Sri Sai beckoned me. Two months elapsed. Sri Sai arranged for a person to look after me whenever I traveled long. I started on 19.9.1999 to Shirdi and stayed there on 22nd and 23rd. I shall act according to his guidance hereafter.
In 1999 I had to study my horoscope for a certain reason. There were some more days for Saturn to occupy the eighth house from the rasi in my horoscope according to transit (Gochara). Worried I appealed to Sri Baba to save me. I told him that I would suffer because of Saturn’s position in the eighth house and I prayed for his grace. I told him that I would act according to his advice. He asked me to come to Shridi once in addition to my yearly visit. I could not travel a long distance as the bone in my neck was affected. I had none to take me. After some months in September someone told me that he would come with me. We reserved our tickets for Shirdi. We boarded the train and got down at the Pune station. We went to the bus terminus.
After about 100 km of travel the conductor of the bus came towards us and told us to get down at a place where Lord Saturn was in his self-created form in a temple. When the bus reached the temple he asked us to get down and get half a liter of gingeli oil and a coconut and make an offering of them to the Lord. The bus was waiting for us for some time. A marathi conductor took pains to explain to me what I should do at the temple and this made me wonder. I did Archana at the temple and journeyed to Shirdi.
I stayed there for two days. After praying to him with all my heart I returned to Chennai. After fifteen days it rained heavily and raindrops fell on the idol of Sri Baba. I was extremely worried. I wanted to find a solution for this leakage immediately. I took an iron pipe 21ft long from the terrace and cut it into a pipe 10 feet long. I wanted to make a shelter for Sri Baba. I proposed to erect the shelter after the rain ceased in the evening.

When I was taking the pipe from the terrace, at one stage, I got unbalanced and the pipe fell on the electric wire between two electric poles in the street and the electric wire and the pipe caught fire and electric shocked me. I shouted “SAIRAM POWER OFF”. The electric wire split into two and the pipe fell down. I realized that Sri Sai asked me to come to Shirdi in advance only to save me from the afflictions of Lord Sairam. The electric shock I received would have been fatal Sri Baba has given me seven rebirths. The year 1999 ended.To be continued...
1.Bhairava Shirdi Sai Baba Temple -Chennai.
2.Leelas of Sai in the life of Meenakshi Sundaramji-Founder Bhairava Sai Mandir.
3.Leelas of Sai in the life of Meenakshi Sundaramji-Founder Bhairava Sai Manidr -part 1.
4.Leelas of Sai in the life of Meenakshi Sundaramji-Founder Bhairava Sai Mandir-part 2.
5.Leelas of Sai in the life of Meenakshi Sundaramji-Founder Bhairava Sai Mandir -part -3
6.Leelas of Sai in the life of Meenakshi Sundaramji-Founder Bhairava Sai Mandir-part-4.
7.Leelas of Sai in the life of Meenakshi Sundaramji-Founder Bhairava Sai Mandir-part 5.
8.Leelas of Sai in the life of Meenakshi Sundaramji-Founder Bhairava Sai Mandir-part 6.
9.Leelas of Sai in the life of Meenakshi Sundaramji-Founder Bhairav Sai Mandir -part 7

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