Dear all,
In 1991 a Thursday in August the dog which was Sri Sai’s gift attained the Lotus feet of the Lord. The incidents about the dog Bhairava is included in the Bhairava Sai temple details.

In 1992 I collected a big amount due to this new office. So I got a good name. The office thought that only I could collect the amount due to the office. Wherever I went for collection I prayed to Sri Baba before starting. Out of the five crores of rupees due in four years I could collect atleast 3.75 crores of rupees. I went to Shirdi at the end of the year.
In 1993 I was asked to collect two lakhs of rupees from an office. The office gave me the relevant documents. I was given a big amount for my expenses. When I went to the office, the office management told me that it had spent far in excess of the amount due to us. Infact my office owed them a certain amount. But they overlooked the matter with magnanimity.
I had spent some thousands of rupees during my official visit and I was worried how to disclose this to my office. I prayed to Sri Sai Baba. Sri Sai told me,”Inform the office about the amount you spent. I shall ask the management to pay it to you.’ I acted accordingly. They asked me whether they could draw a cheque for Rs. 10,000/- and I requested them to draw the cheque in my company’s name. Sri Baba’s grace was responsible for this unimaginable incident.
(Please refer to Bhairava Sai Mandir details here for the miracle related to getting the first payment for starting the temple construction work.) In 1993 I entrusted to the Trust Secretary the construction work of the temple as he had been visiting Shirdi for a longer time than I, I had a strong faith in him.
The project which had to be finished in one year was not finished in three years. I appealed to Sri Baba. I submitted to him my problems and he told me like this:
“I entrusted to you the work of constructing the temple. I wished that the construction work should be entrusted to the Trust Secretary with a view to finding out whether he is sincere in handling the fund. If you know that he has swindled some money you will be victorious if you approach the court.
According to Sri Sai’s command a case was registered in the Consumer’s court.
This incident reveals that there are persons who do not speak much and they are self-centered. People should not be taken in by hypocrites who pose as devotees.To be continued....
1.Bhairava Shirdi Sai Baba Temple -Chennai.
2.Leelas of Sai in the life of Meenakshi Sundaramji-Founder Bhairava Sai Mandir.
3.Leelas of Sai in the life of Meenakshi Sundaramji-Founder Bhairava Sai Manidr -part 1.
4.Leelas of Sai in the life of Meenakshi Sundaramji-Founder Bhairava Sai Mandir-part 2.5.Leelas of Sai in the life of Meenakshi Sundaramji-Founder Bhairava Sai Mandir -part -3
6.Leelas of Sai in the life of Meenakshi Sundaramji-Founder Bhairava Sai Mandir-part-4.
7.Leelas of Sai in the life of Meenakshi Sundaramji-Founder Bhairava Sai Mandir-part 5.
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