This post is in continuation of Sai leela experienced by Sai devotee,Sai Bhairava temple priest -Shri Meenakshi Sundaram ji .Please read the next part of the leela.These Sai experiences experienced by Meenakshi Sundaram ji shall be posted part by part .Devotees who miss any of these leela can go at the end of the post and click on given links to read the missed out post .Jai Sai Ram .
In 1987 a marriage proposal for my eldest daughter suddenly materialized, but as I did not have enough money, I did not know what to do. Knowing of the marriage proposal for my daughter my colleague in Korattur was prepared to help me. Before I explained to him my financial condition he took me to a marriage hall to fix it for my daughter’s marriage. He told me to give Rs.500/- to book the hall in advance. As I told him I had no money he got angry. “Then why did you come with me?” He asked me. And he went away in haste.
After sometime I inspected a marriage hall near my house and booked it without any advance.It was all because of Sri Sai’s boundless grace.
This happened in the last days of October. The person who came earlier with me to book a marriage hall came to me again two weeks later and gave me Rs.10,000/- to book the marriage hall near my house. He locked the kitchen of the hall, gave me the key and said that he would come a day earlier before the marriage.

I had to buy sarees and other kinds of dress. My friend, Pattana, who was near my house, got me all the textiles, in his account with “Kumaran Stores”. I paid the amount in two installments. It was all because of Sri Baba’s boundless grace.
On November 4, 1987, my eldest daughter’s marriage had to be celebrated. Just two days before the marriage I got the news that my elder brother’s health was critical and that he would breathe his last any time. Trusting Sri Baba I proceeded with all the arrangements and everything went off well. It was all because of Sri Baba’s grace.
Two days after the marriage my brother died.
Had my brother died before the marriage or during the marriage, the marriage would not have been celebrated. Without giving any room for any obstacle to the marriage Sri Baba celebrated the marriage. My brother died on the third day of the marriage.
I cannot recount all the magical incidents for which Sri Sai is responsible.
That year-end my trip to Shirdi was undertaken without any obstacle. I happily returned from Shirdi. As a special case I was given double increment by the management and I was asked to do some special duties. Sri Sai stood by me in all circumstances and saved me. Those who have complete trust in Sri Sai Baba are never let down. This is the truth of truths.

The children are good-looking and they are devoted to their studies. It is all because of Sri Sai’s grace.
I would think what would happen to her family if my daughter too gave birth to a female child. Sri Baba made me happy by blessing my daughter with a male child.
At the year-end of 1988 I undertook a trip to Shirdi.
As the financial condition of my office was poor in 1989, the management brought about the voluntary retirement scheme. I wanted to make use of the scheme but the management told me that the scheme did not fit in with the personnel in the officer’s cadre.

The officer who succeeded him thinking that I was responsible for his predecessor’s dismissal gave me trouble. That year-end I went to Shirdi and prayed to Sri Sai.
The next year i.e. 1990 I was included in the list of persons opting for voluntary retirement though I was an officer.
The person who got promoted in 1990 was ill-treating me. One day he entrusted me with some work unreasonably and I refused to do that work. Thereupon he wrote on a blank paper, “ I will sack you tomorrow,” and gave it to me.

I appealed to Sri Baba to show me a way out of my predicament. ‘Why did you make me spend all my money?” I cried to Him. Sri Baba consoling me told me, ”You want only money. I shall arrange for it.” That year I went to Shirdi.To be continued.....

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