Hari and Shirdi Sai temple Frankfurt devotees have forwarded me to share few very nice photo's of Saibaba Samadhi celebration in Frankfurt temple.The detail given in mail clearly signifies Baba's message "Sabka Malik Ek".In one of the photo below Baba in blue shawl with HIS blue merciful eye totally captures my attention and I feel like looking at HIM endlessly .Devotee who wish to read about Shirdi Sai temple Frankfurt can read by clicking Here.Thanks Hari for sharing Baba's loving photo with all of us .Jai Sai Ram .

To express our gratitude to BABA for all the blessing and offerings we get, we conducted a function on 15th October as Sai Mahasamadhi day.
People from all over Europe were invited and we received about 70 Indian & German devotees to attend this day. We were also very happy , to get Yagna, Abhishek & Pooja done by two Hindu Priest from the local Vinayaka temple. Also few buddist monks attended the festival.
Hereby we are sending you some photos which represent the impression of our function for BABA.

Thank you for your continuous support.
Warm Regards,
Hari & All the Sai Baba devotees from Frankfurt temple.

I first came to know of the Sai Baba Temple at Frankfurt through a search in Internet. As a Sai Baba Devotee, I visted this Temple.This Temple has a very homely and a spiritual feel. I got a one to one feeling here as if I am the only one in the temple.There is a lots to learn from the Guru who runs the temple and he takes a lot of interest in giving you information about the sayings of Sai Baba. I wish I knew of this temple earlier and would recommend a visit to everyone.
Trust me, this Temple has something special to it.
Om Sai Ram
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