Happy Thursday to all,
It has been a long time since few Sai seva(services) were started on this blog .Many devotees have benefited and many look forward to many more .With grace of Shri Sainath Maharaj I am compiling all the details here so that devotees who are new or readers who are not aware of these services can get all the details in one post and benefit from it .
Baba blessed to start these services in this blog :
1.Prayer service -Praying for Sai devotees across the globe.
2.Free Shri Sai Satcharitra and Shirdi Sai Baba Aarti delivery .
3.Prayer request of devotees taken to Shirdi by Sai devotees.
4.Free distribution of Udi in Tanzania/Africa .
5.Information and detail list of free Udi distribution in other part of globe through this blog .
Prayer service -Praying for Sai devotees across the globe selflessly .
Dear Sai devotees,
Happy Thursday And Happy Baba's day .
I have received a very inspiring Sai seva mail from respected Shri G.P Sinha ji .We all pray for ourself every second but very few fold our hands to pray for others forgetting about ourself.With grace of Sai Baba and by HIS inspiration after the Darshan of Sai Maharaj at Shirdi Sinha ji has got inspiration for a very noble Sai seva and he volunteers his service for all Sai children through this blog ..
Please read carefully and let us know your views. I am attaching the mail by Shri Sinha ji here for all to read and avail Sai seva rendered by Sinha ji purely inspired and graced by Sathguru Sainath .
Jai Sai Ram
Om Sai Ram Manisha ,
After returning from Shirdi a constant thought or inspiration has been coming to me to start praying everyday for the devotees of Baba. I have experienced that when some one else prays for you it helps. I, therefore, volunteer to offer prayers to Baba on behalf of any person willing to pray and seek blessings of Baba. Specific prayer requests can be sent to me on a newly created email ID
It would help if a photo is sent along with the request for prayer for a person suffering with any ailment.Sending of photo is the choice/wish of the devotee. However, please do mention full name and location of the person for whom the prayer is to be offered. Details of the devotee and their problems, and other details will be kept with the Sai sevak , and will not be revealed to any one at any cost.Sanctity of prayer request disclosed to Sai sevak shall be maintained at any cost .Devotees can be rest assured about it .
May Baba help us all with this seva.
G.P Sinha.
Free Sai Satcharitra and Sai Baba Aarti book delivery .

With Sai Baba's grace and will, we are(Hetal and myself) are updating all information on this page so all Free Shri Sai Satcharitra requests are on hold for time being. Meanwhile you can bookmark this page and visit after few days. As soon as we are done, requests will be accepted again. Any inconvenience is highly regretted. Thanks for your patience and co-operation. Jai Sai Ram .

Sending prayer request to devotees take place from time to time and blessing of Baba whom He pulls to His holy land.Devotees knowing about this prayer service mail to me and volunteer to take the prayer request of Sai devotees with them to Shirdi .Baba has always blessed the devotee who takes this service by accepting the prayer request and blessing each one respectively .I am putting up a link here where devotees can read about prayer request taken to Shirdi and Sai experience shared by devotees after getting blessed of having the prayer placed at Baba's feet .
Read by clicking here. Prayer Request to Shirdi.
Free UDI distribution seva in Tanzania/Africa.

Dear Readers
It is purely Shirdi Sai Baba's grace that Shirdi Sai devotees living in Tanzania (Dar-es-salaam), can now request to receive Baba's sacred Udi brought from Shirdi .Please e-mail for UDI at shirdisaibabakripa@yahoo.com .The photo above is of Shirdi Sai Baba temple here in Tanzania .
For this Seva I seek for HIS blessing.From the word seva few lines from SaiSatcharitra I recollect where Sadguru HIMSELF has said about seva (service )..
"Seva is not rendering service, retaining still the feeling that one is free to offer or refuse service. One must feel that he is not the master of the body, that the body is Guru's and exists merely to render service to him."
This is said when Baba interprets a verse from the Bhagawad to Nanasaheb Chandorker who prides on his knowledege of Sanskrit and thinks Baba knows nothing of Sanskrit.
I pray to my Sathguru to guide me in this seva .Om Sai Ram .
About Udi:

Whenever I read Sai Satcharitra one sentence always takes my attention where it will be written "Baba sent him with Udi and blessings".
Thought about it and realized its importance and power.From childhood till now it is habit to apply UDI on forehead and take a pinch of IT in the mouth ,whenever there is anything which cannot be immediately taken care off in case of health or any kind of issue the whole burden of getting it treated or taken care is on UDI and Shirdi Sainath with full Faith ,and have received the blessing of being taken care .Without UDI our life is incomplete.It has to be in our home,in our pockets,in our purse and a little bit extra for those whom Baba sends.
What did Baba teach or hint by this Udi? Baba taught by His Udi that all the visible phenomena in the universe are as transient as the ash. Our bodies composed of wood or matter of the five elements, will fall down, after all their enjoyments are over, and be reduced to ashes. In order to remind the devotees of the fact that their bodies will be reduced to ashes, Baba distributed Udi to them. Baba also taught by the Udi that the Brahma is the only Reality and the universe is ephemeral and that no one in this world, be he a son, father or wife, is really ours. We come here (in this world) alone and we have to go out alone.
It was found than and is even now found , that the Udi cure's many physical and mental maladies, but Baba wanted to din into the devotee's ears the principles of discrimination between the Unreal and the Real, non-attachment for the Unreal, by His Udi and Dakshina. The former (Udi) taught us discrimination and the latter (Dakshina) taught us non-attachment. Unless we have these two things, it is not possible for us to cross over the sea of the mundane existence.
So Baba asked for and took Dakshina, and while the devotees took leave, He gave Udi as Prasad, besmeared some of it on the Bhaktas' foreheads and placed His boon-conferring hand on their heads. When Baba was in a cheerful mood, He used to sing merrily. One such song was about Udi. The burden of the Udi song was this,"Oh, playful Rama, come, come, and bring with you sacks of Udi." Baba used to sing in very clear and sweet tones.
Not only spiritual significance UDI also has material significance. It confers health, prosperity, freedom from anxiety, and many other worldly gains.
One can read more about Udi in the chapter number 33 and chapter 34 of Shri Sai SatCharitra, it is mentioned all through Sai SatCharitra where devotees flocking from various part of world would be blessed and sent with Udi by Shri Sai Baba and are taking even today ......
Information and detail list of Free Udi services in other part of globe.

Happy Thursday to all
This is an update on Sai seva of free UDI distribution across the globe for Sai devotee which is going on with Grace of Sainath Maharaj.
There is slight change in e-mail address .Please note the following changes below..
Shirdi Sai devotees living in USA, Hongkong, Mainland China, Canada, India, Australia, New Zealand, UK, St. Marteen, Tanzania-Africa, Middle East can now request to receive Baba's sacred udi from Shirdi at their place of residence.
Devotees living anywhere in USA can request for the Udi by sending an email at omsaiseva@yahoo.com
Devotees living anywhere in Hongkong and Mainland China can request for the Udi by sending an email at ling9289@yahoo.com
Devotees living in Canada can send a request for the Udi by sending an email at saileela99@yahoo.com
Devotees living anywhere in India can request for the udi by sending an email at leedhar@rediffmail.com
Devotees living anywhere in Australia and Newzealand can request for the udi by sending an email at admin@omsrisai.net
Devotees living anywhere in UK can request for the udi by sending an email at mysap.raj@gmail.com or devrajgoud@gmail.com
Devotees living anywhere in St. Marteen can request for the sacred udi by sending an email at ram_bombay@yahoo.com
Devotees living anywhere in Tanzania (Dar-es-salaam) and Africa can request for the sacred Udi by sending an email at manisha.bisht@saimail.com and shirdisaibabakripa@yahoo.com
Devotees living anywhere in the Middle east can request for the Udi by sending an email at 1to1withgp@gmail.com
Jai Sai Ram .
Source of Photo of Baba -Sai devotee Aneel Ji.

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